Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Boy Cave"

It seems to be the cool thing now for guys to turn their basements into "man caves." We, however, have quite the awesome "boy cave" coming along here. In addition to the new electric train table, we now have.....

....a swing!

 Adam loves to go in the backyard and swing and swing and swing. I really think it's therapeutic for him. He'll often do some school work, go out and swing, and then come back in refreshed and ready to work even harder. However, winter is setting in. We've had tons of rain here. I really notice a difference in him when he isn't able to run around and swing.

So, we put a swing in the basement for him. He is so thrilled!

When I was a little girl, my grandpa  put swings in his basement for my sisters and me. I have such great memories of swinging away there and I'm happy to give Adam and Ray the same opportunity.

I love our low-tech basement. No TV or video games. Just lots of toys and fun for boys (and girls)! Now if we could just get the ceiling fixed and the paneling removed. All that doesn't matter to the boys though. They love having a fun place to play.

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