Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kicking the Habit

Well, I'm 10 days Diet Coke-free. (Applaud here please.) 

Yes, I listed it FIRST in my list of favorite things in this post. But I've FINALLY given it up now.

I honestly can't remember a day since I had Adam (almost five years) when I didn't have Diet Coke. It makes me sick to think of all the money spent on it over the years. And that's nothing compared to what it has done to my body and my metabolism. And the landfills too, I suppose.

I've never even tried coffee. I'm just not a "hot drinks person." My routine is was starting the day with a big glass or bottle of Diet Coke. Another one around 10:00. Another one at lunch. Another one late afternoon. And sometimes more in the evening. I completely relied on the caffeine jolt. It moved beyond a preference and a habit into a complete addiction. I had to have it on hand at all times.

I knew it wasn't good for me. I wanted to stop drinking it, but it had become the "elixir of life" for me. I just couldn't imagine a day without it. Then, one day a few weeks ago, a big bottle of Diet Coke appeared on the news page of my internet provider. The headline warned of a 48% increased risk of strokes for people who drink diet soda every day. I couldn't even bring myself to read the full article. (My brother-in-law has declared that the study had to be done by the orange juice growers just to take business away from the cola giants.) I knew that I needed to stop. The boys were doing schoolwork at the table and saw the picture. I told them about it. Adam immediately made it his mission in life to make me stop drinking Diet Coke. (I think one of his motives was that he hates the way my breath smells when I drink it.)

And so I stopped. I took a few days to wean myself, waiting later and later in the day to drink any. And then, last Thursday, I didn't drink any Diet Coke. And I lived to tell about it. (More applause please.) I did have headaches for almost a solid week. I bought Gatorade and Propel Water and went for Cherry Limeade at Sonic. I'm sure I was grumpy. I just had to keep myself distracted. I've now gotten to the point where I'm fine with water most of the day and I have a glass or two of iced tea in the afternoon.

I feel free. I don't even have the desire to drink Diet Coke at this point. However, I know that another way I've coped over these past ten days is by eating more sweets than usual, especially chocolate. So now I need to bring that under control. (Lent is quickly approaching, so that will be my Lenten resolution.) But the most significant thing for me is that I KNOW I CAN DO IT. I AM DOING IT. I have trudged through so many years knowing I SHOULD stop drinking Diet Coke and that I SHOULD eat better and exercise more and lose weight. I feel like I am now finally taking steps in the right direction. I have made it through 10 days without Diet Coke and I have not only survived, but I feel better. (My sister has also given it up. We are planning to buy keychains or something when we get to 30 days... just like AA!) And so I feel free and confident and proud. I am happy to be taking some steps toward better health.

As much as I am jokingly asking for applause in this post.... and telling you my coping strategies, I have to note that it's only in trusting in God that any of us can get past our human struggles and addictions. It's humbling for me to realize that I have gone days without REALLY praying, but not a single day without Diet Coke. When we get out of balance and our habits start to "own" us, we are not putting our lives in God's hands. We are choosing to do things our way, clinging to the things we have power to control, instead of living as people of faith with Jesus as the center and control of our lives. I know that an addiction to Diet Coke may pale in comparison to struggles many people face, but I came to the point where I realized it was controlling me. And I had to turn my heart back to God.

Please pray for me in this endeavor. And if there is a similar habit/addiction holding you back from living fully and freely, take a step today toward letting it go. Know that you are not alone. Let's pray today for one another as we embrace the call to be God's mirrors.... reflections of His image.... the people God wants us to be.

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