Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where do you stand?

The greatest teacher I ever had was also the most challenging. Dr. Greg Sobolewski taught Ecclesiology, the first course in my Master's program at Saint Mary's University in Winona, Minnesota. He changed my thinking... especially about the Church... forever.
To be honest, I think he changed my thinking just by making me think. How did I get through so many years of school -- with such good grades -- without having to think very hard? (Note to self --- Teach the boys to THINK! Challenge them!)
Dr. Sobolewski was fond of the saying, "You have to be somewhere. You can't be everywhere. You can't be nowhere. You have to be somewhere." (He had lots of such sayings, which we fondly termed "Gregorian Chant.") He made us read lots of books that spanned the liberal/conservative spectrum. We had to be able to articulate the authors' theses AND our own critical thoughts about the authors' arguments.
I'll never forget the day he gave us the (fairly recently released) apostolic letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis by Pope John Paul II. He gave us 45 minutes to read the document and be prepared to summarize and defend or repudiate its points. He left the room.
Well, you see, we were a room full of liberal do-gooders. Mostly women. Church workers. I wish there was a video recording of all the sighs and grunts as we read. (The letter explains that the Church has no authority to ordain women and that all faithful Catholics need to adhere to this teaching without debate.) We all had pre-conceived opinions about this document.
The thing is.... I was forced to read and think critically rather than emotionally. For the first time, perhaps, I was challenged to look beyond my own perspective as a 20th century middle-class American liberal Catholic woman. I learned the very great, very important fact that the Church (and the Pope as her leader and voice) must transcend the constraints of time, culture, and politics. The teachings of the Church are Truth.... timeless, pure, truth for all people.
It didn't matter that I thought it wasn't "fair" that women couldn't be priests. The Tradition of the Church is sacred and is meant to help me see beyond the limitations of my political, social, cultural biases. The priesthood is not a popularity contest or a privileged office of power. It is a sacred ministry to which God calls men to serve in the role of Jesus in our midst.
That, truly, was a turning point in my Catholic life. That's when my eyes were opened to the amazing depth, beauty and power of Catholic Tradition.... including the Papacy and the teachings of the Pope.
So..... why this manifesto tonight?
Some of my friends packed up their large families and headed to Washington D.C. today. A group of youth and adults from my parish went as well. They are all taking part in the 40th Annual March for Life, a challenging and beautiful pilgrimage to our nation's capital where they will take a stand for LIFE. They will join with thousands of others from across the country to make their voices heard, to stand up against abortion. Don't bother looking for coverage of this in the paper or on television. You won't find it. But you can watch live coverage on .
I'm a little bit embarrassed to say here that I've been wishy-washy about my stance on the pro-life movement in the past. I've been turned off by some of their greusome and forward "tactics" and I've wondered if legislation is truly the best way to prevent the attack on human life. I've always been against abortion, but I've never really invested my heart and mind in the issue or taken a stand.
Praise God for His faithfulness and for all of the ways we continually grow in our faith journeys. I am humbled and inspired by the sacrifices so many people are making to take this pilgrimage. In my prayer and reflections this week I've heard God asking me where I stand.... and nudging me to think, study, pray, and reflect more deeply.... to open my eyes and my heart to the immensity of this social evil.... to listen to His call for me to do more to bring about His Holy Will. I've been reminded what a great gift it is to be Catholic... to have the Tradition to guide me and the huge universal family of brothers and sisters to support, encourage, and challenge me. I've been reminded of my time at Saint Mary's --- wonderful friendships and intense life-changing learning.
Once again I'm grappling with the challenge to take a stand.
And so I'll be watching and praying and joining the marchers in spirit.... planting my feet more firmly as a pro-life Catholic. Grieving for the unborn and hoping for conversion of hearts.  Will you stand with me?

  A Pro-Life Prayer For Our President And Public Officials
Lord God, Author of Life and Source of Eternal Life,

Move the hearts of all our public officials and especially our President, to fulfill their responsibilities worthily and well to all those entrusted to their care.

Help them in their special leadership roles, to extend the mantle of protection to the most vulnerable, especially the defenseless unborn, whose lives are threatened with extermination by an indifferent society.

Guide all public officials by your wisdom and grace to cease supporting any law that fails to protect the fundamental good that is human life itself, which is a gift from God and parents.

You are the Protector and Defender of the lives of the innocent unborn. Change the hearts of those who compromise the call to protect and defend life. Bring our nation to the values that have made us a great nation, a society that upholds the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

Mary, the Mother of the living, help us to bear witness to the Gospel of Life with our lives and our laws, through Christ, Our Lord.


January 22, 2009
Most Reverend Robert J. Baker
Bishop of Birmingham in Alabama

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