We enjoyed a really delicious lunch. There were NO chicken nuggets or french fries! Several of the ladies prepared special YUMMY salads and we even got copies of their recipes in our folders.
My mom did an awesome job arranging these beautiful fresh flowers for the tables! (Thanks mom!) Everyone appreciated them so much and many ladies got to take some home.
I am pondering many great insights presented by the day's speakers. Probably most significant is the caution not to compare what I am doing or how my children are progressing with how/what other families are doing. That is such a temptation and downfall for me. It seemed to be a common thread among the speakers that we need to have a clear vision about why we are choosing to homeschool and we need to focus steadfastly on that vision and not be pulled on tangents away from that. So, I am praying about and trying to articulate a clear vision/mission. One of the speakers emphasized that God has given each of us our children for a special reason. I am exactly the mother that Ray and Adam are meant to have.... with all of my talents as well as my shortcomings. There is no perfect curriculum to use. It doesn't matter if I have the perfect plans, perfect classroom, perfect materials. Those don't exist. The most important thing is that we are on this road together, learning and loving every day.
I can't believe that this is the week when we're "officially stepping off the edge" into homeschooling. I'm so glad we've been thinking and talking and learning and praying about this for a few years now. I'm not scared. I feel confident and at peace about our decision and our plans.... but there is just a little voice in my head asking, "You're really not sending Ray to Kindergarten?" We're really not. Instead, we are teaching him right where he is / how he is.... taking one day at a time. I know there will be really hard days and this is not an easy undertaking, but I also know that there will be awesome fun times --- a-ha moments that I will get to share. I know I will learn as much or more than the children. I am very excited. Please pray for us!
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