Monday, July 5, 2010

What a weekend!

Wow! We sure packed a lot of fun into this holiday weekend, including.... a birthday party for Adam's friend Ryan, two sets of fireworks, a parade, a cookout at our house, sparklers, slip n'slide, swimming, Mass, and a bike parade with our pray and play group!

On Friday night we went to the top of the airport parking garage to watch the big fireworks display they do downtown. It was a great spot to see the beauty without hearing the boom. Adam is proudly displaying his homemade flag. He spent a good part of the weekend learning and singing the song, "You're a Grand Old Flag."
Our view from the airport parking garage (which is conveniently five minutes from our house):Sparklers, lightning bugs, and glow necklaces were exciting treats for the boys this weekend since they stayed up way past their bedtime to watch fireworks two nights in a row!

Make-your-own ice cream sundaes were a big hit at our family cookout, especially for the under-10 set! Here are some of the children lining up for today's bike parade! We all met at a local park and decorated the bikes, wagons, and strollers. We played patriotic music and paraded around the track. It was great fun, especially since many of the dads were off work and were able to participate. It was about a thousand degrees outside, but we still had a good time!

And now for the grand finale.....

Unfortunately, when we returned to our van after the bike parade, it wouldn't start. What a bummer! We ended up having it towed to the dealership and we won't find out a "prognosis" until tomorrow. Fortunately, we had two "angels" who generously helped us! My friend Becky lives right up the street from the park. She welcomed us into her air-conditioned home and fed us lunch. Then my mom came to our rescue. She waited for the tow truck with us and drove us home. (See her car waiting in the background!) Thank you so much Becky and Mom! I am just so glad that this didn't happen when we were traveling or when I was alone with the boys.

All in all, it was a wonderful, fun weekend! We are so blessed to live in freedom and prosperity. We are so blessed to have wonderful family and friends. Thank you God!

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