Monday, February 15, 2010

Finally Blogging!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I've been hoping/planning/threatening to start a blog for a long time now. For months I was stuck with the excuse that I needed to find a great name for a blog before I could start one. I even had a contest with friends and family to name my blog. I got lots of suggestions, but nothing quite captured what I wanted this blog to be.

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of leading a women's retreat. The theme of the retreat was "Spiritual Makeover." We looked closely in the mirror and reflected on what it means to be beautiful, inside and out. 2 Corinthians 3:18 was the focus for our retreat, reminding us that we are called to "be mirrors that reflect the glory of the Lord." We are truly beautiful when we allow God to continue to transform us into His image, when we lare open to His grace and when we love and give and serve with our whole hearts, minds, and strength.

As I prepared for and led the retreat I came to embrace "Being Mirrors" as the title for my blog. As a Catholic woman, wife, and (most importantly) mother, my most important calling is to reflect God's image and love to all I meet. I am called not to spend my days gazing in the mirror, but rather to BECOME a mirror in which others may catch a glimpse of God. Obviously, it's a lifelong process and a huge challenge.

And so, I'm glad you're along for the ride here. I hope to share my attempts to grow in faith and holiness, especially through the adventure of motherhood. I'll be posting about our family life, especially our journeys through the liturgical year and our homeschool endeavors.

I'm so thankful for the many blogs that have inspired me. I am humbled by my lack of computer savvy as I get mine up and running. Please be patient as I learn! I hope I will be able to share and connect with many "companions on the journey" as we are daily transformed into the image of God, reflecting His glory more and more.

Why the disco ball graphic? Some of you may know of my great love for and talent with disco dancing! (Think of Elaine from "Seinfeld" ---- we've often been compared!) I love the image of the disco ball as a reminder to let our light shine boldly! It's not just one mirror, but lots of little mirrors that work together to cast a beautiful, vibrant, evolving light. That's how I want to be!

Thanks for reading! More soon....

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