Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weather Observation Day

We have been studying Weather this month... at home and in our Monday co-op. We picked a good month for it because we've had everything from very cold days with snow flurries to very warm and sunny days. We've had tons of rain. In the middle of last night we went to the basement as the tornado sirens wailed.

On Monday we wrapped up our co-op for the month by heading to a local park for a Weather Observation Day. We weren't sure if the rain would hold off or if the fields would be muddy, but it turned out to be a very nice - but windy - afternoon.

We began by painting some wind chime and thermometer suncatchers.

Next we prayed Saint Francis' Canticle of the Sun and we prayed for the recent tornado victims in the South.

Each child was given a Weather Observation booklet to complete.

The children also made wind vanes. Then, the real fun began. We took advantage of the blustery wind and had fun blowing bubbles and flying kites.

Adam was thrilled to have his first opportunity to fly a kite!

We ended our time together by awarding certificates and prizes and heading to the playground. 

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