Monday, December 31, 2012

Mari, the Foam Eating Kittie

As I've mentioned, we had a very sick kitten on Christmas day. Mari was throwing up and acting very lethargic. She was not eating. By Wednesday we knew that something was really wrong and we took her to the vet.

I need to say here that we knew that Mari had eaten foam in the past. The boys' foam blocks kept turning up with bite marks. We thought we had put them all away out of her reach, but somehow, every once in a while, we'd find another chewed-up foam block. Occasionally she would even throw up some undigested foam. I know, gross. Sorry.

We have a very strange cat!

We told the vet about Mari's strange foam addiction and he ran tests that showed a blockage at the beginning of her small intestine.

Surgery. Great. On a cat. BIG vet bill. Right after Christmas.
(I still can't even speak in complete sentences about this.)

Well, she came through the surgery just fine.... and sure enough.... look what they extracted from the base of her stomach where it meets the intestines.....

I know, super gross. But I had to keep this. It's some VERY expensive undigested foam!!!! If only it was shaped like the Blessed Mother, we could probably get something for it on ebay, right? We're not entirely sure where this foam came from, but we did find more foam stuff in our school room and we've tried hard to rid our entire house of the stuff. (But not before she found ANOTHER foam puzzle yesterday and managed to chew it a bit before we caught her!)

So, the good news is our Mari is going to be ok. She has a big incision on her belly. The BAD news is that Jon and I have to give her pain medicine and an antibiotic twice a day. This is not easy. This is serious penance for some past sins.

Here she is.... our million dollar foam eating cat... pretending to be asleep even though she just got finished knocking 5 ornaments off our Jesse Tree!

Saint Francis, patron of animal lovers, pray for us!

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