We have officially entered into our
most least favorite time of the year.... TAX SEASON!
Between now and April 15th Jon will work approximately 8,792,433 hours. (Hey, I said "approximately!") It's a "taxing" time (ha ha) for Jon and for our family. However, we are entering into it with very, very grateful hearts. Jon's job is truly one of God's greatest blessings for our family. We are thankful that he has a job that he loves and that he is really good at doing. We are thankful that he makes enough money to allow me to stay home and school our boys. We are thankful for the company for whom Jon works. They have been abundantly generous to us in some pretty extraordinary ways.
The owner of Jon's small firm (and his phenomenal office manager) go out of their way to affirm, encourage, and compensate their staff in meaningful and fun ways. In addition to frequent lunches, sports tickets, and office parties, Jon often receives little holiday suprises, treats, and gift cards on his desk. Several times during the year the office sponsors fun family gatherings. Our children look forward to and enjoy these gatherings tremendously. They have gotten to know Jon's co-workers like an extended family.
I think it is truly kind for a business to take care of their employees in such special ways. They are not spendthrift about it. They don't gouge prices so they can enjoy elaborate perks. The owner truly cares about his employees and their families and he generously dedicates a portion of his profits to encourage and celebrate the people who work really, really hard for him.
On Saturday we had a pre-tax season bowling party. We had a great time bowling, playing glow putt, and playing in the arcade. And we came home with lots of goodies and prizes as well!
When Adam got to this mini-golf hole, he announced, "Oh, yes, the Cauliflower!" So much for all of our studies this Fall and our field trip to the SANTA MARIA! (The whole course is "Columbus-themed.") |
My three video-game-loving boys doing their thing! |
Adam hit a big-ticket jackpot. He was so excited! |
Even though Deb (Jon's office manager) turned her head and ended up looking majorly deformed, I HAD to post this picture! The boys were THRILLED (as you can see) with the cash they won for their strikes and spares! |
Jon got this great t-shirt! |
So, in a few months.... when I am moaning and groaning about the monster hours Jon is working.... remind me of this post. :) We are so blessed. I think it will be easier this year as the boys are older and more independent. We are busy with our own schooling and activity schedule. We'll miss Daddy and we'll try our best to take care of him as he works so hard for us.
And no, the firm is not hiring. We have so many friends and family members who are struggling to find work or to make enough money or to find satisfaction in their jobs. Please know of our love and support. We continue to pray for you and want to help you in any way we can.
A Prayer to St. Joseph for the Unemployed
O Saint Joseph, we pray to you for those who are out of work,
for those who want to earn their living or support their families.
You who are the patron of workers;
grant that unemployment may vanish from our ranks;
that all those who are ready to work
may put their strength and abilities
into serving their fellowmen and earn a just salary.
You are the patron of families;
do not let those who have children to support and raise lack the necessary means.
Have pity on our brothers and sisters held down in unemployment and poverty
because of sickness or social disorders.
Help our political leaders and captains of industry find new and just solutions.
May each and every one have the joy of contributing,
according to his abilities, to the common prosperity by an honorable livelihood.
Grant that we may all share together
in the abundant goods God has given us
and that we may help underprivileged countries.
A Prayer for Accountants
Dear Levi, now known as Matthew, you were first a publican, a tax collector, and then a gatherer of souls for Christ after immediately following His call. Later you wrote wonderful accounts of your Jewish brethren of what Jesus, descendant of David, said and did as Teacher and Savior.
Make all accountants imitate your example in giving careful and honest accounts. Amen