Ray did get to play soccer on Saturday morning and he even got to be the goalie during the second half. He did a good job, only allowing one goal even though he didn't realize he could use his hands. I am thrilled by his enthusiasm and the endurance he's shown in the games.
Last night we were supposed to go to a hayride and bonfire with some homeschool families. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate. We had some friends over for pizza instead and it was a really fun evening.
Today we were supposed to head to a pumpkin farm with my sister and nephew, but again the weather did not cooperate. We had seen a flyer for a local high school production of Charlotte's Web and we decided to go to their afternoon show. (After recently seeing a Charlotte's Web video, Adam is crazy about the story. We have been reading the book and Adam is planning to be Charlotte for Halloween. It's all about spiders for him these days.)
We had an absolutely fabulous time! This was the first play the boys have seen and they were completely enthralled. The production was really good, which is amazing since the young man playing Wilbur broke his arm this morning and had to be replaced by another student. He was great! We sat up very close and took in every minute of the action. The boys were fascinated by the scenery and props. After the show Adam said to me, "That was not at all what I thought it would be like. It was AWESOME!"
Here are the boys as we headed into the high school:
Here they are enjoying spider and pig chocolate lollipops at intermission:
Here's Adam with "Charlotte." Are you wondering about the paper on his shirt? Before we left for the show he made his own "Charlotte shirt." There is a front and back to it, taped over his shoulders and around his belly. It has pictures he drew of Charlotte. He very proudly wore it throughout the afternoon. He told the Charlotte actress all about it and informed her that he plans to be Charlotte for Halloween.Here's Ray with Wilbur:
After the show, the students put on a "County Fair" in the school cafeteria. They had games and prizes and snacks. It was really fun! Here's Adam eating cotton candy:Check out this goose costume! Adam loved this spider ring toss game.
Sack races:
When we got home I went upstairs to get some things ready for this school week. When I came downstairs, this is what I found in the living room.... along with a big mess of paper and tape in the school room.
After dinner Jon and I were treated to ANOTHER production of Charlotte's Web, complete with costumes, scenery, set changes, intermission, and a county fair with games at the end! It was very elaborate. I was so impressed by the details of the story that they remembered and re-enacted.
As I sat and watched the show with Jon, I kept thinking.... "This is exactly what I want them to be loving and doing!" They had a blast and so did we. No TV. No computer. They were very disappointed to learn that they can't go back tomorrow. They can't wait to go to another play.
I am very thankful tonight for a fun weekend with my family. THIS is what it's all about and I love our life together! Thank you, God.
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