Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Highlights

Mother's Day was filled with fun and blessings. I was awakened at 8:30 with a delightful breakfast in bed. The boys bought me two rose bushes for the yard and made me beautiful cards, including this one by Adam. It shows the two of us with "drops of love coming down on us" and a monster.

Later, my mom came over and we made her breakfast and we all went to Mass together. The boys enjoyed giving her some cards and pictures and a flower pot they painted. (The pot has a larger-sized saucer so it can be used as shown in the picture as a bird feeder or bird bath.)

After Mass we gave the Mary statue in our yard a little bath. Then we had a simple May Crowning.

We spent the afternoon and evening at my mom's house with my sisters and their families. My sisters and I planted some flowers for our mom. We ordered food from Olive Garden and brought it home. Yum!

For the children, we resurrected an old family tradition that my mom's parents used to do with us. We had a peanut hunt. The children had a blast hunting for peanuts and then Adam won the prize for eating the most and scattering shells all over my mom's house!

It was a really nice family day. Thank you God!

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