While we were in Florida we missed celebrating week seven of the Easter Season with our Good Shepherd calendar. After completing all six prior weeks, we couldn't just skip the grand finale. So, we celebrated our last garden party on Tuesday night..... better late than never, right?
This week's theme was "The Heavenly Zoo." We talked about all the wild and wonderful creatures God created to be part of the Garden of Eden and part of our lives here on Earth. Here's what our table looked like:
Here are the symbols and foods:
1. Water (All living beings drink from the fountain of life.)
We had a nice pitcher of refreshing ice water.
2. Deer
We had these awesome deer cupcakes!

3. Lion
We were SUPPOSED to have "Lucky Lion Lemonade" (which involved making a frozen concoction of ice cream, lemonade, soda, etc and then topping it with whipped cream and making a lion's face with chocolate chips and sprinkles). Well, for a variety of reasons, that just didn't happen. I thought we'd have a lovely scoop of frozen yogurt and make the lion's mane on it. Ha! This is what we had....
It was delicious and we all "ROARED" with laughter about it! :)
4. Beehive
We were SUPPOSED to have "Beehive Baked Pears." Very complicated. Very gourmet. We opted for a very sophisticated substitute.... Honeycomb Cereal... dry.... served on a fancy plate. The boys loved it! :)
5. Pelican
We had "Pelican Toasties." I apologize for not getting a picture. These were a hit though! Basically, you slice a piece of French bread to look like a pelican's beak. Toast it with cheddar cheese on top. Open the "beak" and put a goldfish cracker inside. Fun and yummy!
6. Peacock
We had beautiful peacock feathers as our centerpiece.
7. Phoenix
I enjoyed shrimp cocktail.... all to myself! Jon is allergic to it and the boys wouldn't try it. They had baked fish instead. I enjoyed every bite of shrimp.
8. Dove
The symbol for Pentecost was a dove, of course. We enjoyed yummy pieces of Dove chocolate.
Although I felt a little burned out and was not able to pull off the fancier parts of this week's suggested menu, I am so happy with the way this meal and all the others turned out. This was a wonderful way for our family to celebrate the ENTIRE Easter Season. Each sticker, story, and meal was a learning experience and a treat for all of us! Thanks again to Jessica and Charlotte for putting together such unique menus!
Here's our finished poster: