Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thanks Mamaw!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Beautiful Christmas Book

Before I return it to the library, I just have to recommend a lovely read-aloud we've enjoyed this holiday season. It's called Saint Francis and the Christmas Donkey. It is written and illustrated by Robert Byrd and published by Dutton Children's Books.
In the story a miserable donkey bemoans the facts that he has to work so hard and that everyone makes fun of the way he sounds. Saint Francis explains to the donkey why those things came to happen to donkeys AND he explains what a special role a donkey had in the story of Jesus' birth.
It is a beautiful story, but it's the illustrations that make this book outstanding. Each page is a work of art. The art is gentle and engaging and very beautiful. All of us enjoyed it very much. I'm sure we'll be buying it in the future.
So, head to the library and check out this great book. My copy should be back on the shelf by tomorrow!
I hope you're continuing to celebrate and enjoy this holy Season of Christmas.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Michigan Christmas Celebration
It was a snowy, icy, cold weekend! The boys loved playing in Grandma's yard and pitching in to clear the driveway. They made a snowman with help from their cousin Addie.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Blessed Feast of the Holy Family

For our little family this has been a day of playing and relaxing together. We cleaned up a bit, played with new toys, watched a movie, went to Mass, went out to dinner. We were able to be together in a less hurried way. We really enjoyed one another.
As I reflected on today's Feast and on the readings from Mass, I thanked God for the gift of the family in which I was raised and for the family which I am now raising. It is with these people that I am journeying to heaven. We are very far from perfect. It's really hard sometimes. It's really great a lot of times. I love these people with a love that is fierce and deep and true. They are my best friends and they make me a better person by loving me and challenging me.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Most importantly, we are rejoicing in the miracle of our Lord's birth and inviting him into our hearts in a new way. May you know Christ's presence and love today and all the days of your life. Christmas blessings!
Wow! Santa brought big-boy toys.... Toy Story bike and scooter!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Hearts Full of Grace
After hearing a bit about it, Ray very matter-of-factly said, "I'm doing it too." No questions. No fear. He said, "I want to have my sins forgiven too." I asked him what sins he had to confess and, without skipping a beat, he said, "Well you know I don't always obey right away... and sometimes I'm not nice to my brother."
I tried to tell him that he's not old enough for the Sacrament yet and that he could just pray quietly in church. But he was insistent. I agreed that he could ask Father for a blessing, but I figured he'd chicken out when we got to church.
I was wrong. When we got to church, Adam very quietly drew pictures in a notebook. Ray was fascinated by the whole experience. He watched people in line for Confession. He watched Daddy go up and return and then he took me by the hand and practically dragged me to the line.
We went to our Associate Pastor and he was absolutely wonderful with Ray. I explained that Ray wasn't old enough yet, but that he wanted a blessing from Father. Ray said, "I want you to forgive my sins." Father extended his hands and gave Ray a blessing and Ray beamed with happiness and made the Sign of the Cross. It was a beautiful moment! (Ray was prepared to tell Father his sins, but he didn't seem to mind that Father never asked.)
Then Ray returned to the pew with Daddy and Adam and I went to Confession. When I got back to the pew, Ray was still beaming. I knelt down to say my Penance and Ray's curiosity continued. He asked what I was doing and why he didn't get a Penance. He knelt down and said three Our Fathers right along with me.
When we got to the vestibule and were putting on our coats, Adam informed me that he heard an angel tell him that the gates of heaven are open for him. I was beginning to get a bit freaked out about the supreme holiness of my children. Then I asked Adam what the angel meant and he said, "It means Santa is coming soon. Santa lives right next door to the angel." Ok... back to reality.
So, Ray essentially made his First Confession. It was a beautiful evening.... my favorite Advent moment. I was thrilled to know that they are truly "getting it." They have relationships with God --- outside of my coaching or control. They long for holiness. I learn as much from them as they do from me. We are on a journey toward heaven together.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Final Preparations
I hope you like this peek at what we've been up to for the past few weeks! We've finished up gymnastics, art, co-op, Good Shepherd, and our homeschool studies. We've been learning about Christmas Around the World. We've been praying the Jesse Tree, Advent Wreath, and O Antiphons. We've been singing tons of Christmas songs.
There are so many wonderful things to see and do around Columbus at this time of year. We've seen beautiful train displays at our library and COSI. We've visited the life-size Nativity display downtown. Tonight we're headed to the spectacular light display at the zoo.
A note about the boys' stockings -- Every year we add another decoration which symbolizes something special from that year. This year we added mementos from our trip to Disney.
Thanks Aunt Kay for the awesome penguin inflatable. He looks so cute on our porch!
I hope you're all enjoying these holy holidays. More soon....
Friday, December 17, 2010
Or perhaps I've been to Michigan for five days, am trying to get our Christmas tree up and decorated (finally), still need to do most of the shopping for the boys, am trying to keep schooling and cooking and cleaning, need to get cards addressed, .have been enjoying visits from faraway friends..... Yikes! We've been doing tons of neat things that I'd like to blog about, but there just hasn't been time. Hopefully soon!
Is this part of getting old? There seems to be no time to "wait." Life seems to be in fast motion. Time seemed to crawl by at a snail's pace when I was a child waiting for Santa Claus to come. Now the challenge is to carve out time to make myself wait. It just doesn't seem right. I am trying to keep my heart and spirit from becoming engulfed in "Christmas hoopla." I am not feeling stressed, just so very busy. I am repeatedly reminding myself that the celebration of Jesus' birth doesn't have to be polished/perfect with matching wrapping paper and made-from-scratch meals and a perfectly clean house. It's probably better without all that anyway. I am praying for openness to receive Jesus into my heart and into our family life in a new way. I'm sure it won't look or feel the way I plan. It didn't happen the way people planned it 2000 years ago either.
Come, Lord Jesus. Find our hearts ready. Fill us anew with your love and your grace. We offer to you all of our preparations and busy-ness as well as our prayers and devotions. We long to give you and our loved ones "perfect gifts" and adore you in the most meaningful and beautiful ways. Help us remember that it's our hearts that you and our loved ones want. May the story of your birth in a simple, humble stable inspire us to give you and others genuine gifts of presence and love. May the joy that you continue to bring to the world be the focus of all of our celebrations and the true joy of our lives. Amen.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Stop and Reflect
Thursday, December 9, 2010
"Hello, Jesus?"
Adam: "Mommy, can we really hear Jesus talk to us?"
Me: "Yes."
Adam: "Do you think he could tell me where I lost my Chap Stick?"
So funny! I won't go into the heavy Theology that I managed to muster up and give him. Somehow, he was appeased. A few minutes later he was patting me on the forehead and saying, "Oh my sweetheart, I just love you so much."
It doesn't get much better than that!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Weekend of Parties!
It's Tuesday night and I'm still recovering from a whirlwind weekend of parties. (Wow... it occurs to me that "partying" is much different now than it was before children. It's a different kind of recovery entirely!)
On Friday Ray had a very nice birthday, including a Lego/pizza party with family and friends.
He had a wonderful time decorating the house and preparing prize boxes for all of the children. Here he is waiting for the party to begin!I decided to turn the main wall of our school room into a "Wall of Ray" with pictures of him from birth through age six.
After dinner we had some Lego-building time and also some relays and other Lego games.
We played our family's famous "marching game." (Basically, we tape down pictures related to the party theme and then we play music and march around the circle. When the music stops, we randomly select one of the pictures and whoever is standing on that picture wins a prize.) I should have taken pictures of the Lego pictures Jon and I hand-drew the night before. They were pretty silly. The children loved marching and winning prizes. Then I made the adults march too. They all got lottery tickets, but I don't think anyone won anything!
Uncle Mike and Christian were the winners of the "Guess How Many Legos Are In The Box" game.
A lady from our parish made this delicious - and very green - Lego cake.
After most of the guests left I realized that I totally forgot to have them do the craft I planned. Ava, Carter, the boys, and Mamaw had fun filling hollow ornament bulbs with Legos and other craft items.
Here's Ray opening his presents. He got several cool Lego kits that should help keep him busy this winter.
A special gift from Mamaw:
A cool gift from some friends - A LEGO Rosary!
Daddy and Ray trying to figure out a neat robotic erector set from Pappy -
On Saturday the fun continued with a new tradition, a "cousin party" at my sister's house. We decided to get together for an afternoon of fun, food, games, and crafts instead of buying presents for one another this year. A great time was had by all!
More marching....Christmas Bingo...
And last, but certainly not least, we took part in a wonderful circus-themed party to celebrate the first birthday of my Goddaughter. More games and prizes and presents and cake and fun! She was so adorable and I can't believe she's already a year old!