Monday, May 27, 2013

Father - Son Campout 2013

Jon, Ray, and Adam attended their third annual homeschool father-son campout on Friday night. As always, they had a wonderful time!
Here they are, ready for take-off. Can you believe how much stuff they took for a one-night (less than 24 hour) trip? Jon will blame that on me... I kept suggesting they take more and more items "just in case."

The proud campers in front of their tent ---

The boys love having time and space for exploring nature. The stories I heard involved mud mountains, "real clay" mountains, crayfish, snakes!!!, snails, sticks..... and then I think I stopped listening. Ray told me he held three snakes (but they weren't poisonous) and that one bit him but it didn't hurt at all. (!!!!!)

One of the dads worked with the boys on knot-tying. The boys were excited to bring home a piece of rope that glows in the dark. (I wish he would have taught them to tie their shoes!)

When the campout was planned so late in May, we feared the weather could be really hot. But it was actually VERY cold! We pulled out sweatshirts, hats, gloves, and pants... and they were definitely cold out there!

Every year the boys and dads pray the Rosary around the campfire! Awesome, huh?

Jon went equipped with his griddle and his Kuerig! That man loves his breakfast!

I am so thankful that my guys have this opportunity each year. It's great for Jon to be with the other dads. I understand they played a lot of poker out there this year.

And, yes, it's really my FAVORITE night of the year! I love my guys fiercely, but a night all to myself is heavenly too! I enjoyed lunch with a friend, some shopping, SILENT time at home alone, and a few drinks with some friends in the evening. And of course I slept in too!

The campout was the perfect length of time, though. Just as I was really starting to miss them, they came home.... smelling yucky and bringing with them lots of laundry!

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