Saturday, October 18, 2014

Something to Ponder on a Cold Saturday

We have promised to journey together through this life
and to help each other reach heaven.
We agreed to be here through the good times and the bad.
We just didn't really know then what the bad would be like
or how bad it would really feel.
It's not always happy rainbows.
But sometimes it is.
When it's not,
when there's pain and hurt and struggle and even boredom,
THAT'S when we need to call upon the Grace of the Sacrament.
That's when our faithfulness is tested.
That's when we can give God glory....
by loving when it costs us something,
when it stretches us,
when we're humbled or angry or sad.
When we choose to love through it
we grow
we love more deeply
we glorify God.
Way too many marriages end when the happy feelings fade.... including some very close to me.... and it doesn't have to be that way. God doesn't want it that way. Sometimes the "better" comes after the "worse." If only we can trust God's grace, live through the pain, and not give up on one another.
Help us , Lord. Help us glorify you and inspire others by our faithfulness.
God bless all marriages.

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