Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day! I've been meaning to send out this post... and chuckled when Ray recently asked me how long the season of Valentine lasted. :) Indeed, we really did celebrate for more than a week.
We enjoyed counting down to Valentine's Day by reading Scripture verses about love. (See Catholic Icing for awesome free printable.)
My darling hubby got me beautiful roses and the multicolored carnations he knows I love and a box of chocolate. He laughed a lot about the facts that I told him not to get flowers until after the holiday when they were cheaper AND I gave up chocolate for Lent. He had already ordered both. I have a way of ruining things. He is so good to me.
Our homeschool group had an awesome Valentine's Day party (the Friday before) at a super fun bounce place. We had 120+ kids from 40 families and everybody had a blast.

We made this cool valentine box out of Legos ---

And we won first prize for it!
Our prize bag included some candy, a fun new game, and these fabulous straw glasses ---
In addition to the tons of valentines and candy we received at the party, we were totally spoiled by all the grandparents and other family and friends. Lots of cards, yummy cookies, paper airplane kits, and CASH... really. Crazy.
To top that all off, we had a surprise visit from Pappy and Mary, who came into town for a funeral. We were so happy to see them... and Jon and I were able to sneak out for a valentine lunch together.
The boys decided to hang out with Pappy and Mary while I drove some other kids to a party at a local nursing home. This was a service project of our Friday class. We visited the residents and handed out valentines. It was a fun, sweet afternoon.

 Jon's main valentine request was for a Jello cake I sometimes make. It was a yummy end to a fun day!

And so we enjoyed lots of celebrations and fun.... and of course read some stories about Saint Valentine and asked for his intercession as we continue to learn about love and practice loving one another as God asks us to do.

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