Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One Missed Step

It happened one week ago today.

A friend was visiting and I was chatting with her while making dinner.

The phone rang. Caller ID told me it was my mom. I had just seen her a few hours ago. I almost didn't answer. When I did, I heard my mom in a way I had never heard her before. And we've been through A LOT.

She was hysterical. Freaking out. She had fallen down the stairs and broken her ankle BADLY.

I freaked out in a way that I've only done one other time in my life (another story for another day). It's been an entire week and I still can't describe how I felt in that moment. My mom was badly injured... ALONE... laying on the floor of her house.

I called 911 and sent them to mom's house. I frantically shoved the boys into the van and took off. It was thunderstorming. Jon works right down the street, but he happened to be at a meeting across town. I had to shout into the phone to get him to hear me through the pounding rain. I was not as calm as I should have been during that 10 minute drive. The boys were scared. So was I. We did pray together as much as we could. I was mostly praying that the squad would get there before me.

Fortunately, when we got to mom's house, there were four paramedics helping her. As soon as I walked in, they told me not to look at her ankle. An inadvertant quick glance almost made me throw up. Her foot was absolutely not in the right place. There was a bone pushing out, although it hadn't protruded through the skin.

She missed a step on her way down from her sewing room.

THANK GOD she had the phone in her hand.

And so the next hours and days have been a blur.... the ER.... sedation and setting of the ankle... being admitted to a room... surgery involving plates and pins.... pain.... dealing with the news that she will not be able to bear any weight on that ankle for at least two months... trying to figure out therapy and rehab.... dealing with the traumatic memory replaying in the mind... worrying about a million little details of a life interrupted.

Here's my mom's foot ----

Beautiful, huh? It's double splinted and wrapped in a pound of cotton. Literally. It's HUGE.... but well protected.
And here's my beautiful mom ---

... living a life of leisure in the hospital. ;) She has now moved to a rehab center for a few weeks of therapy before heading home.

This has been so traumatic... totally cramping her independent, on-the-go style. This mishap comes just six weeks after her gall bladder surgery. It's been just so strange to see my mom hurting and "laid up." She's so active and healthy. It's been a real challenge for her. She's not old, really. (Although the ER doctor was impressed that she had all her own teeth! I almost peed trying not to laugh.)

I'm really proud of how my mom has handled this so far. She has really rolled with it and has not complained much at all. It's painful. She can't sleep some nights. Lots of things are out of her control. She has to let others care for her. But she has remained cheerful and pleasant.

We've talked every day about keeping this in perspective. So many people --- including people we know --- are right now facing horrible diagnoses and much more difficult challenges. She could have broken her hip or injured both ankles or hit her head.... any number of worse injuries.

But it's still hard. Please pray for her.

For me and my family it's been lots of schedule juggling, trips to the hospital, worrying, phone calls. Wonderful friends have helped watch the boys. The boys themselves have been very understanding and helpful. As I rearrange schedules and take things one day at a time, I keep thinking, "This is what life's all about." This is a real life lesson for the boys. We are a family. We love each other. We care for each other. When someone needs help, we are there for them. The next few months will be a bit "discombobulated." But we will grow as a family.

So, I have several blog posts waiting to be written. It's been hard to find time to blog... and hard to find words to describe what I've been going through. It's just really hard to see my mom hurt. I just want the very best care for her. I've been emotional about it and also reflective. What is God trying to do/say... to mom and to me?  How are we being called to grow and learn through this experience? I wish I had eloquent answers or reflections.... but I don't. I'm just living in it and doing my best to show my love and help her heal.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry Katie. I am glad your mom is doing OK. I know, for me, the first time one of my parents was really sick, I fully realized that my dad was human, not superdad, and that he is mortal, perhaps sooner than I would want.

    Prayers to you, your mom and family.
