"Be gentle with yourself and with your children."My friend mentioned that quote from Charlotte Mason (I think) on Friday and it has been my mantra ever since. I need to post it on my wall, write it on my mirror, and tattoo it on my arm. Really.
As I wrote last week, we hit a bit of a wall in our homeschooling and parenting efforts. The boys, especially Ray, were frustrated and showing signs of stress. Both boys were misbehaving. I was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Jon and I really took some time to look at what we're doing and expecting of the boys. We changed a few things, easing up in some areas (school/schedule) and tightening the reins in others (behavior). It seems to be working. I guess that will be the continual process of parenthood.... re-evaluating and changing course as necessary.
As an over-achiever and a former school teacher, there are so many things I want the boys to learn, know, and do. I think about what the children must be doing at Kindergarten today and I want Ray to do all of that and more. I compare him to what I think Kindergarteners are and/or should be doing. That is not gentle. It is not the most loving thing I can do for him. I am trying to be better at fully embracing who he is, how he learns, and what he most needs each day. After all, that's one of the greatest benefits of homeschooling. He doesn't have to do what they are doing at school. He can learn differently.
I recently read about a study that concluded that homeschooled children of parents with degrees in education don't do as well as homeschooled children of parents with no background in education. I can really understand that dynamic. I am struggling to let go of the textbook/grades/classroom mindset so that I can be a more effective teacher. It's not that we're doing less school. It's that we're doing it a bit differently. We are spending as much time as possible outside. We are taking things in much smaller doses throughout the day instead of trying to focus all morning and "get everything done." I have changed our schedule and eased our pace and we all are feeling better this week. Interestingly, I think the boys are learning MORE and enjoying learning better. I am enjoying it more too.
Maybe many or most children struggle to adjust to new school schedules, especially once the newness and excitement die down and expectations are raised. One of the homeschool online networking groups I belong to has been filled with questions and advice about how to help resistant kindergarteners. The veterans are all encouraging moms to be gentle and keep things simple and ENJOY their children at this age.... to read, read, read.... to keep learning fun and active. I am taking that advice to heart. There will be lots of time ahead for more formal book work. I want them to love learning, not dread it.
There is a great article today at Faith and Family Live:
http://www.faithandfamilylive.com/features/simple_schoolIt's all about keeping things simple for young students. I think I'm going to go wallpaper my bathroom with the great advice it gives! Check it out!
Here are the boys enjoying some simple art time on our back porch:

Art continues to be Adam's biggest love. Look how peaceful he looks as he paints.

We are having a really fun time this week learning about American Tall Tales. The boys love these stories. In addition to an armload of library books, we've been enjoying a American Tall Tales CD by Jim Weiss and Disney's American Legends DVD versions of these great stories.

Finally, I have been wanting to share a peek at the binders we are making this school year. Each boy chose his favorite color binder and then decorated a page to slip into the cover.

They loved decorating the separator pages for each section. The sections are: Liturgical Year, Alphabeep (We are taking one letter each week and learning about all kinds of vehicles that start with that letter. We practice writing the letter and the names of the vehicles.), Nature Journal, Around the World (We're doing some basic Geography activities), and Special Projects.

When we do narrations, coloring pages, and special activities, I put them in the binder. It is already becoming a nice portfolio and keepsake. The boys are so proud of their work and so am I!

Whatever you are doing this week, be gentle on yourself and keep things simple. Pray for me and I'll pray for you.