Sunday, April 15, 2012

Garden of the Good Shepherd - Garden Party 1

Tonight we celebrated the first garden party of our "Garden of the Good Shepherd" Easter observance. (The kit we use is available here. It is published by Liturgy Training Publications. Most of the ideas for the corresponding weekly garden parties came from Shower of Roses. We also did the garden parties in 2010. There are posts about those parties in the archives of this blog.)

This week's readings were all about the Good Shepherd caring for his sheep. Here's what our chart looks like so far ---

Today was a beautiful warm sunny day, so we decided to have our garden party on the back porch. Jon was able to come home and join us. We had a wonderful festive meal.

We used our Paschal candle and Easter lily for decorations. We also added our Saint Faustina doll as today is Divine Mercy Sunday. I was excited to use my three-tiered stand, which was a birthday gift from my mother-in-law.
Ray helped me set the table and get everything ready.
Each food at the garden party has a symbolic meaning that goes along with one of the stickers/symbols from the week.
Mini Shepherd's Pies representing Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Breadsticks shaped like shepherd's staffs

Lamb cupcakes

Popcorn, representing the sheep/lambs.
The bowl represents the sheepfold.

Graham cracker/peanut butter/pretzels, representing the gate to the sheepfold
"Wolf paw" cookies!

 The symbolic foods made for an interesting meal. None of us could eat everything... but we did enjoy talking about the symbolism and tasting all the yummy food! What a fun way to celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter! Keep the "Alleluia's" coming!

**Note to my friends/readers who may also be doing the garden parties this year.... I found a lot of the cookies and other items listed in the plans at Dollar Tree this week!


  1. So glad Jon could join you - tax season almost over! That picture of Adam is so cute. And yes, it was an odd, interesting meal, wasn't it? :)

  2. bopped over from Nicole's blog...

    oh, that looks like fun - and to have it outdoors! wonderful.

