Friday, February 11, 2011

The "Dog Days" of School

These cold, snowy February days are really the "dog days" of school for us. We're plowing ahead with our Kindergarten and pre-Kindergarten work. When all of the other children are thrilled about snow days off from school, we gather around the table and work hard. We prefer to take fun days off when it's sunny and warm and everyone else is stuck in school! ;)

This month we're learning about animal groups, Antarctica, and Presidents. Ray is reading and adding well. Adam's handwriting is impressive for a four year old. In the afternoons we love curling up on the couch with some read-alouds. We just finished Little House in the Big Woods. (I had always considered the Little House series to be "girlish"... but my friends told me the first few books especially focus on Pa and great boy things like hunting. They were right. My boys are really into it!)

So, we're just plowing ahead with school work and beginning to long for some warm spring days. I can barely remember the last time we were outside to play.

Meanwhile, Jon is in "tax season mode." He's ramped up his hours, staying late at the office or going back in after the kids are in bed. Fortunately, he loves his work. I am so thankful for how hard he works for us. It's getting easier for me and the boys to get into our own schedule and just support him in his work. When they were babies I would just count the minutes until he got home. It's definitely easier now.

As I think about what we've been doing for the past several days (and why I haven't posted anything), I am reminded of the movie Groundhog's Day, where the same sequence of events played out over and over again. That's pretty much how it's been here. Learning, eating, playing, sleeping.... dishes, laundry, bills. It's pretty basic and repetitive, but it's good. It's all good. I have NOT succumbed to the "February Funk." Thank you, God, for the ordinary everyday routine... for the graces that go unnoticed... for your faithfulness and love. Amen.

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