Monday, January 3, 2011

Still Celebrating

Happy New Year again!

Today my dad is watching my boys and I actually have a few minutes to sit and pray and think and relax. Now that is cause for celebration! Jon and I are even going on a date tonight!

We spent most of yesterday moving things from room to room. No, we did NOT take our tree down. It's still the Christmas season. We've been singing carols and really savoring the full 12 days. We did, however, do a major cleaning and re-arranging of the school room. The boys received lots of wonderful learning tools/toys and we had to make room for all of them. Adam received TWO BIG BINS full of fun art supplies. We finally created an art area for him where he can make messes and leave his projects out for more than a few minutes. (I am going to TRY to be "one with the mess.") So, we are ready for a fresh start with school this week. We will be studying magnets, Africa, art, music, and animals this month. Phew, we better get busy!

At Mass yesterday I heard the best homily I've heard in months. I have to admit that when I saw an unfamiliar old priest process in, I growned a bit. Little did I know what a gem he is. His name is Msgr. Maegher (sp?) and I was so inspired by him. He talked about the Epiphany, of course, and he said that now is when the true work of Christmas begins. He noted that you can't have celebration without responsibility. Commenting on the great life celebrations of marriage and ordination, he suggested that the real BIG celebrations should be 25th and 50th anniversaries.... we should celebrate when we've actually lived out our promises and done the hard work of fulfilling our vocations. He explained that we call the Magi WISE men because they showed that they had true wisdom, the living-out of knowledge. They did not just figure out what the star meant, but they went through the very difficult journey of coming to adore the newborn King. Best of all, Msgr. addressed the children directly. He encouraged them to listen to God. He affirmed that God is present to them and will help them be holy. How awesome is that! After Mass Ray even said to me, "Mommy, I'm holy too.... not just grown ups." AMEN! Praise God for the graces and blessings of that holy Mass. Many blessings and thanks to Msgr. Maegher.

My friend's husband posted a beautiful piece on his blog about why Christmas seems to bring an empty hangover to so many people and how we as Catholics don't experience that when we celebrate Christmas as it is truly meant to be celebrated. Read it and be inspired to turn up the carols and continue wishing everyone, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

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