Monday, November 22, 2010

Remember the days when.... was a really big deal when the Christmas specials were on TV? We didn't have DVD's or Tivo or even VCR's. (Wow! I'm old!) I remember how SPECIAL it was when my sisters and I got to stay up and watch the SPECIALS! (Of course back then the Christmas specials were probably played a few days before Christmas instead of a few days before Thanksgiving.)

Last night we gave the boys their baths early, popped some popcorn, and watched "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." It was so fun to see their reactions and hear them gasp and laugh. They enjoyed it just as much as Jon and I did when we were kids.

Today they wanted to see "The Grinch" again. It was very difficult for them to understand that it was a show on TV and we didn't have the disc and we didn't record it so we can't just watch it again. My how times have changed.... in some ways. But no matter what format you watch them in, there are some shows that are timeless and can be enjoyed over and over again by generation after generation.

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